Sunday, March 15, 2009

Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC

Engine Circular No.88 of 2007
No. ENG/ISM-59(4)/97
Dated 27th August, 2007
Sub: Flag State Inspection on Indian flag ships under a "Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC)"
This Directorate has decided to conduct Flag State Inspection on Indian flag ships under a "Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC)" on the implementation of ISM Code from 1st September 2007 till 31st December 2007. These audits and inspection will specially be carried out to verify the effective implementation of the Safety Management System (SMS) on board ships operating in and around the Indian Coast.
A sample C.I.C. questionnaire and explanatory note to the questions is attached herewith. Authorized Surveyor will conduct CIC on ISM Code in accordance with the CIC questionnaire. An unsatisfactory answer (s) in the questionnaire may not automatically lead to a detention, but the Surveyor may consider it for appropriate decision to be taken in such circumstances. Your special attention is drawn to the following 11 deficiencies that will be considered as "Major Non Conformities" under this CIC:
Relevant documentation regarding the Safety Management System (ISM Code)
The role of the Designated Person Ashore (DPA) (ISM Code 4) & officers unable to identify the D.P
Master�s responsibility and authority, e.g. reviewing the SMS (ISM Code 5)
Familiarization of crew members (ISM Code 6.3)
Procedures for reporting and analyzing non-conformities, accidents and hazardous occurrences, e.g. follow-up deficiencies from previous PSC inspection (ISM Code 9)
Programmes for drills and exercises to prepare for emergency situations (ISM Code 8.2) not being carried out.
Measures for establishing and maintaining contact with the shore-based management in an emergency (ISM Code 8.3)
Procedures to ensure that the ship is maintained in conformity with the provisions of the relevant rules and regulation and with any additional requirements established by the Company (ISM Code 10.1)
Procedures for identifying critical equipment/systems and measures to promote the reliability of such equipment/systems e.g. regular testing of stand-by equipment/system (ISM Code10.3)
Working language, e.g. information on the SMS is not given in a language understood by the crew (ISM Code 6.6, 6.7) & crew members cannot communicate with each other.
All detainable deficiencies related to hull, machinery or equipment.
Shipping Companies & Ship board Staff are therefore invited to take note of the following & prepare for the CIC.
Shipping Companies / Ship Managers
a) should distribute this circular to all Indian flag ships in their fleet; make sure that all shipboard staff are aware of the campaign & urge them to verify compliance with the requirements accordingly.
b) carry out similar inspection during company�s internal shipboard audit or ship inspection at the earliest opportunity.
c) to ensure Master & Senior Officer onboard ship could communicate effectively with PSCO in foreign ports or Surveyor during FSI, since poor communication shown during such interviews could lead to an extended inspection and subsequent detention of ship.
This issues with the approval of the Chief Surveyor with Govt. of India cum Additional D.G. (Tech.).
Sd/-(D. Mehrotra) Dy. Chief Surveyor-cum-Sr.DDG(Tech)

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